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  • Boris Dimovski

Brampton Market Report For April 2023

Brampton Average Sold Price

April 2022 Compared To April 2023

Property Type Average Sold Price Month/Year

Detached $1,479,590 Apr 2022

$1,272,172 Apr 2023

Detached Decreased By 14.02%

Semi-Detached $1,121,521 Apr 2022

$1,020,729 Apr 2023

Semi-Detached Decreased By 8.99%

Townhouse $1,010,985 Apr 2022

$949,153 Apr 2023

Townhouse Decreased By 6.12%

Looking for Shelburne Real Estate Agents, Grand Valley Real Estate Agent, Caledon Real Estate Agents or OrangevilleReal Estate Agents, contact Boris Dimovski, Broker of Record at Bask Realty Inc., Brokerage 1-866-220-2168

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For more information about Brampton Real Estate Market or your local real estate market contact Boris Dimovski, Broker of Record at Bask Realty Inc., Brokerage Click Here

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